Going to Korea? Extend your pilgrimage by 2 days!
There is still space to join the pilgrimage! Now you can stay through April 16, which includes accommodation, transportation and some meals in Korea, as well as a tour of the Cheon Won Gung Cheon Il Sanctum. The Blessing group can also join these two extended days.
If you still want to go to Korea, space is available at the Pilgrimage Program at Oak Valley, and for young singles, there is an opportunity to join the Ring Next Spring experience.
For those who will be at Oak Valley from April 10-14, either with the Pilgrimage or the Blessing group, and wish to extend their stay at Oak Valley from April 14-16, the registration for extended stay is now available.
Thank you,
Tal Zorer
Executive Assistant
Want a Ring by Next Spring?
Calling all 18+ singles to join the Ring Next Spring Workshop in Korea April 10-16! Check out President Dunkley's message.
Single and over 18 years old? Join us in Korea next month for an epic workshop for young people who want to dedicate their lives to Heavenly Parent and go to the Blessing in the future.
Learn more about the Ring Next Spring Workshop!